Monday, February 16, 2009

Kids say.. I've lost count

When recognizing the picture on a cover of a book this students says, "Hey!! That's Obama! I know him."

S:I'm a tiger.. rarrrr

S:Ms. Rebecca. PePere is like a chili's name.
R: You mean PePere, like my grandfather?
S: Yes. Only it doesn't sound like grandfather, it sounds like a chili.

S: I like to walk upside down in school.

S: Ms. Rebecca is a teacher and Ms. Rana is a sentence (instead of assistant)

S: (Looks at the clock. It is 10:15 AM)Uhhh oh.
R: What's wrong?
S: I forgot to brush my teeth today.

S: Where does Obama live?
R: In the White House. That's where the president of the United States lives.
S: Miss, I think you could be president.

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