Monday, January 5, 2009

Frugality at its finest

I gave in and finally bought a cell phone today. While that may be shocking to some of you, (this is directed to my parents and their comments about how I have a phone growing out of my ear) I put off this purchase for the past four and a half months because I found it hard to justify owning a cell phone when I have very few people here to call. Although my contacts list is very limited, it is nice to know that if I am out shopping or need to call to get a taxi I will be able to do so with ease.

It took me two tries today to buy my phone. That is not implying that cell phone stores are few and far between, because that is quite the opposite. I simply forget that most businesses close from 1:30 – 4:30 during the day. After my short ten-minute walk to Tunis Street, the street that runs parallel to mine, Muhalab, I found the doors closed and gates locked. Luckily, I was able to get some information from a man next door and decided to return a few hours later.

My second trip was a success. I walked in, explained that I had already purchased a SIM card (this was back in October when some co-workers convinced me a mobile is a must) and was just in need of a phone. The man behind the desk showed me a phone and when I asked regarding the price he said in a very nonchalant voice, “75 KD”.

While my math skills are not superb by any means, I was quickly able to go through the Kuwaiti Dinars to US Dollars conversion in my head… 75 times 4. Well, 75 times 2 is 150, plus another 150 = 300 dollars. 300 dollars? No way!

“75 KD!?! (as I quickly put the phone on the counter) Can I please see your least expensive phone?” Although my question was returned with a puzzled look, (some essential background information: cell phones in Kuwait are like fancy purses, shoes or sunglasses. Everyone here has expensive phones and takes pride in that) he walked over to a shelf along the wall, pulled down a box and said, “This one is only 7.5 KD.”

“I’ll take it!”

And there you have it, a very exciting play by play of my cell phone purchase in Kuwait.

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