Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kids say the darndest things

I love my students. And they love to talk. Here are just a few of their comments or questions I was able to jot down on post-its throughout the past three days that I thought you might enjoy. R=Rebecca S=Student

R: There are very few people who visit or live on Antarctica. The people who live on Antarctica are scientists and they only stay for a few months at a time. Can you think of some animals that live on Antarctica? Yes, very good. Penguins and seals.
S: When I went to Antarctica it wasn’t that cold.
R: You’ve been to Antarctica?
S: Yeah, with my dad and it wasn’t very cold.

S: Is Christmas haraam?

S: Why do we have to do work in school?
R: We come to school so that we can learn and that involves doing work.
S: Sighhh, I wish I could just wash cars for a living. That sounds like more fun than doing work.

S: If Venice doesn’t have any roads do the airplanes land in the water?

S: I hate being a twin.
R: Wow (student name), I didn’t know you are a twin.
S: I’m not.

S: You are a sheep.(this is one of the favorite insults in Arabic)

S: Miss, are you married?
R: No.
S: Why not?
R: Umm (pause)… look at that it’s time for our Spelling words of the week

S: YMCA (I'm not sure where this came from. My student said this upon returning from the bathroom.)

S: I don’t like you.
R: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that because I really like you.
S: I hurt your feelings?
R: A little bit but I'll be ok. I think it's great that you are expressing your feelings but it is also important to think about how our words can hurt people.
S: I'm sorry (makes a face which says the contrary) but I still don’t like you.

S: Is it really true that Allah has made us all brothers and sisters?

R: Another winter activity that people like to do on the Alps Mountains in Europe is snowshoeing.
S: I’ve done that!! With my dad, when he and I visited Antarctica!!

1 comment:

Heather @CritterChronicles said...

Hahaha, I think my favorite is:

S: I’ve done that!! With my dad, when he and I visited Antarctica!!

Gosh, so at least Brenna's not the only one who insists that things are one way when they're very much not. Like being married. She's all about that right now.