Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sticks and Stones

We've all heard the saying, "Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Well, I beg to differ.

For some unknown reason, today was the day a select few of my students chose to express themselves and publicly announce their dislike for the school and me as their teacher. While sharing our morning work, one student's response to the question "what is your favorite thing about school?" was "My favorite part of school is PE and I don't like Ms. Rubakha". While there very well could be a teacher somewhere out there with a unique spelling of a somewhat common name who yells at her students and gives them tons of homework, but something told me that this little boy had me in mind while writing that answer. Oh right, he did. As he stood in the front of the classroom with me by his side, he read his answer out loud and then looked up to see my reaction. I'm not exactly sure what kind of expression my face held but I do know that the bluntness and publicity of his answer took me by surprise. While I could hear one of my favorite professor's voices saying "it's just a behavior, it's not personal" I segued into a short mini discussion about how it is good to express our feelings but we should remain respectful and think about how our words might make others feel. That was Period 1.

By the time Period 3 rolled around we had successfully taken all of our individual and group pictures for the yearbook and had moved on to reviewing our weekly spelling words. Unfortunately, one of my students earned two sad faces (I need to work harder at being calm and quiet) and one middle face (My behavior was just ok)which meant that he did not earn the privilege of eating his snack with his friends. After an explanation of how I do not give the smiley faces but rather they are earned depending on behavior, I was asked why I came to Kuwait. He proceeded to tell me that he wished I never left America and that I should go home because he hates fourth grade. "It's just a behavior, it's not personal.. it's just a behavior, it's not personal..."

Sure, sticks and stones can break my bones and words may never hurt me; however, I do believe they can sting a little.


Anonymous said...

Rebecca...the minute my student "S" gets spoken to about his behavior and has consequences, such as "reflection" time or writing a "reflection" sheet, he resorts to "I HATE SCHOOL. I HATE THIS CLASS." However, later that day or the next, he is smiling and participating with us, like nothing ever happened! Gotta love their idiosyncrasies (sp?)!

shams said...

hey bec,
unfortunately thats how kids are, he probably didn't want to do work, or isn't doing too well and is taking all his anger out on you. Kids are kids, and don't realize what they say may hurt someones feelings. You're an amazing teacher, and your making a huge impact on these children's lives. May Allah swt continue to grant you the strength to do that. I'm sure tomorrow if that kid is doing well on his homework, or is having fun, his statements will completely change inshaAllah.